Here are your free ChatGPT prompts!

Step 1: Pick a topic and turn it into a question.

Everything you create, from a video to a course, to a tweet, answers a question—which is why your reader/customer gives you their time, money, and attention in the first place.

For example:

You can do this on your own or you can ask your Digital Intern to help.

List 3 questions {Target Audience} has about {Topic}.

Prioritze questions that will help my {Target Audience} to:

• Ease a frustration
• Remove an obstacle
• Overcome an objection
• Solve a painful problem

Use 10 words or less for each question.

Be concise.

The point is NOT to defer “the thinking” to your intern.

The point is to leverage AI to get you unstuck by narrowing your focus using constraints so you get moving. The mistake beginning creators make is spending too much time trying to find the perfect topic—or worse, trying to answer every question about a topic in a single piece of content. Focus wins.

Pick one question and move to the next step.


Step 2: Anchor your topic to a bigger question that “most” anyone can relate to.

You can answer the question from Step 1.

BUT, Ali recommends zooming out first to contextualize it in a larger more fundamental question. Why are you asking the question “How to overcome the fear of public speaking?” at all?

Take a step back and ask, “why?”

To do this, we are going go use use a technique called Abstraction Laddering.

I am going to train you to use Abstraction Laddering.

An Abstraction Ladder helps you to see a challenge at different levels of focus. It helps you step back and look at an issue broadly. Moving up the "ladder" expands the scope.

Your task is to recursively ask the question "Why does this exist?" 10 times to expand the scope of the topic:

{Topic: e.g. How do you overcome the fear of public speaking?}

Repeat asking “Why..?” and working upwards.
The higher you go, the more abstract the question.

Only give me the questions.
Use 10 words or less per question.

Abstraction Laddering is a technique used in Design Thinking.